Big Data Geospatial Analysis with Apache Spark, GeoMesa and Accumulo - Part 2: Basics

  19 Jun 2017

In Part 1 we had a look at how to set up GeoMesa. Now we can have a look at some practical examples. Note that some sections were copied directly from the GeoMesa and other help pages. My main aim was to provide a consistent overview.




Typically applications map existing data or programmatic objects to Key and Value objects. Keys are broken into the following components, in order:

- Row
- Column Family
- Column Qualifier
- Column Visibility
- Timestamp

Note: These are all the fields that make up one record! There can be more than one record for a given key, the attributes must be different then … so it is basically like transforming a normal relational record into several key-value pairs. E.g. Record: id:1, fruit:banana, sales: 12 would be transformed into [Key: (1, attr:banana), Value: 0], [Key: (1, attr:sales), Value: 12].

All Keys that have the same Row are considered to be one logical row, and are stored next to each other in a table. Thus reading all the information in a single row can be done by looking up the first Key in the row and scanning the following Key Value pairs that share the same Row.

Key Value pairs are sorted by Key, and Keys in a table are sorted by comparing the Row, then Column Family, and so on.

To write information to a table in Accumulo, changes to a single Row are packaged up into a Mutation. Changes are added to a Mutation via the put() method.

Namespace: the concept of table namespaces was created to allow for logical grouping and configuration of Accumulo tables. By default, tables are created in a default namespace which is the empty string to preserve the feel for how tables operate in previous versions. One application of table namespaces is placing the Accumulo root and metadata table in an Accumulo namespace to denote that these tables are used internally by Accumulo.

Accumulo Shell

Let’s connect to the Accumulo Shell and use a few commands:

accumulo shell -u root -p password
# leave password empty
# select * from table
scan <tableName>
# show config
config -t <tableName>
# change to table
table <tableName> 
# show a single record
select <row> -st -t <tableName>
selectrow <row> -st -t <tableName>

Typical table search (Source):

# switch to table
table <tableName>
# show all records
# show one record 
scan -r <key>
# show records for a particular attribute
scan -c attribute:name

GeoMesa Basics

Let’s try to understand the basic concepts:

  • A feature has a set of attributes and associated types based on the SimpleFeatureType specification (resembles a DDL)
  • In the GeoMesa context, when you define a feature with its attributes, you create a schema.
  • A feature gets stored in a catalog table, which holds the metadata for the spatial data.
  • A catalog table can store one or more features.
  • When you store data in GeoMesa, there is not only one table (as in a traditional relational database), but several ones, each one with their dedicated purpose (one for metadata, one for records and then one for each index). All these tables get prefixed with the catalog table name.
  • Tables can be grouped into a Namespace, which is basically a synonym for Database Schema.
  • The data gets indexed in different ways, for each index there is one table.

By default, GeoMesa creates three indices (docu):

  • Z2: This index is used to answer queries with a spatial component but no temporal component.
  • Z3: This index is used to answer queries with both a spatial and temporal component.
  • Record: The record index stores features by feature ID. It is used for any query by ID.

The following indices can also be created (docu):

  • Attribute: The attribute index uses attribute values as the primary index key. This allows for fast retrieval of queries without a spatio-temporal component.
  • XZ2: This index will be created if the feature type has a non-Point geometry. This is used to efficiently answer queries with a spatial component but no temporal component.
  • XZ3: This index will be created if the feature type has a non-Point geometry and has a time attribute. This is used to efficiently answer queries with both spatial and temporal components.

This section in the official docu provides a bit more background info on how the GeoMesa Index is created on Accumulo.

When looking at GeoMesa resources you quite often come across GeoTrellis as well. So what is the difference? “GeoMesa is primarily focused on vector data. For large volume of data, the Accumulo datastore is great. An example dataset would be GDELT (which is on the ‘small’ side with ~200 million data points). If you have streaming data, check out the GeoMesa Kafka datastore. Streaming sensor data would make sense for this datastore. GeoTrellis is focused on raster data; using it for climatology predictions or landsat imagery would be typical.” Source

Command Line

Creating a feature type

To begin, let’s start by creating a new feature type in GeoMesa with the create-schema command (used to be the create command). The create-schema command takes three arguments and one optional flag:


  • -c or \--catalog: the name of the catalog table
  • -f or \--feature-name: the name of the feature
  • -s or \--spec: the SimpleFeatureType specification

Optional * \--dtg: the default date attribute of the SimpleFeatureType Run the command:

$ geomesa create-schema \
    -u root \
    -c cmd_tutorial \
    -f feature \
    -s fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326 \
    --dtg dtg

This will create a new feature type, named “feature”, on the GeoMesa catalog table cmd_tutorial. The catalog table stores metadata information about each feature, and it will be used to prefix each table name in Accumulo.

If the above command was successful, you should see output similar to the following:

Creating 'cmd_tutorial_feature' with spec 'fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326'. Just a few moments...
Feature 'cmd_tutorial_feature' with spec 'fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326' successfully created.

Now that you’ve seen how to create feature types, create another feature type on catalog table cmd_tutorial using your own first name for the \--feature-name and the above schema for the \--spec.

$ geomesa create-schema \
    -u root \
    -c cmd_tutorial \
    -f dst \
    -s fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326 \
    --dtg dtg

You should see the following:

INFO  Creating 'dst' with spec 'fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,*geom:Point:srid=4326'. Just a few moments...
INFO  Created schema 'dst'

Listing known feature types

You should have two feature types on catalog table cmd_tutorial. To verify, we’ll use the get-type-names command.

The get-type-names command takes one flag:

  • -c or \--catalog: the name of the catalog table

Run the following command:

$ geomesa get-type-names -u root  -c cmd_tutorial

Show attributes of a feature type

To find out more about the attributes of a feature type, we’ll use the describe-schema command.

This command takes two flags:

  • -c or \--catalog: the name of the catalog table
  • -f or \--feature-name: the name of the feature type

Let’s find out more about the attributes on our first feature type. Run the command:

$ geomesa describe-schema -u root  -c cmd_tutorial -f feature

Other examples

# list all known feature types in a GeoMesa catalog:
geomesa get-type-names -u root -c myNamespace.gdelt
# describe feature
geomesa describe-schema -u root -c myNamespace.gdelt -f gdelt
# List all known feature types in a GeoMesa catalog:
$ geomesa get-names -u username -p password -c test_catalog
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