Big Data Geospatial Analysis with Apache Spark, GeoMesa and Accumulo - Part 4: Ingesting Data with Spark SQL

  01 Jul 2017

Ingesting Data with Spark

This example demonstrates how to load data into GeoMesa Accumulo using Spark SQL. The code for the examples discussed in this post can be found here.

Add this dependency to your build.sbt:

"org.geotools" % "gt-epsg-hsql" % "17.1"

Let’s first set up a new Accumulo namespace for this import:

accumulo shell -u root -p password
> createnamespace sparkImportTest
> grant NameSpace.CREATE_TABLE -ns sparkImportTest -u root
> config -s general.vfs.context.classpath.sparkImportTest=hdfs://localhost:8020/accumulo/classpath/sparkImportTest/[^.].*.jar
> config -ns sparkImportTest -s table.classpath.context=sparkImportTest
> exit

Next upload the GeoMesa dependencies to HDFS (adjust to your version and setup):

#export VERSION=1.3.1
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /accumulo/classpath/sparkImportTest
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal dist/accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-distributed-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar /accumulo/classpath/sparkImportTest 
hdfs dfs -ls /accumulo/classpath/sparkImportTest

Restart Accumulo.

The code to ingest the file looks like this (essential section shown only - full example available on my Github repo):

Upfront we might want to create the Geomesa feature (schema), in case it doesn’t exist yet:

val dsParams = Map(
  "instanceId"  -> "BISSOL_CONSULTING",
  "zookeepers"  -> "",
  "user"        -> "root",
  "password"    -> "password",
  "tableName"   -> "sparkImportTest.gdelt_new"

val featureName = "event"

// Create GeoMesa Feature
val geoMesaSchema = Lists.newArrayList(

def buildGDELTFeatureType(featureName:String, attributes:util.ArrayList[String]):SimpleFeatureType = {
    val name = featureName
    val spec = Joiner.on(",").join(attributes)
    val featureType = DataUtilities.createType(name, spec)
    featureType.getUserData().put(SimpleFeatureTypes.DEFAULT_DATE_KEY, "SqlDate")

val featureType:SimpleFeatureType = buildGDELTFeatureType(featureName, geoMesaSchema)

// Create the schema/feature
val ds = DataStoreFinder

The code above is based on this example and this example.

Next we create a Spark Session, load the Geomesa UDFs, source the data and make it available as a table. Then we create a geospatial Point using the st_makePoint with the longitude and latitude values provided by the input dataset - all this with the comfort of a SQL query. Finally we use the write together with the save function to store the dataset in Accumulo:

val spark = SparkSession
   .appName("Geomesa Ingest")

 // load Geomesa UDFs

 val ingestedData = (
     .option("header", "false")

 // for debugging only
 // val prepedData = spark.sql("""SELECT Actor1Geo_Lat, Actor1Geo_Long, st_makePoint(Actor1Geo_Lat, Actor1Geo_Long) as geom FROM ingested_data""")
 val prepedData = spark.sql("""SELECT *, st_makePoint(Actor1Geo_Lat, Actor1Geo_Long) as geom FROM ingested_data""")

val prepedDataFiltered = prepedData
  .filter("geom IS NOT NULL")
  // filter out invalid lat and long
  .filter("NOT(ABS(Actor1Geo_Lat) > 90.0 OR ABS(Actor1Geo_Long) > 90.0)")

println("========= FINAL OUTPUT ===============")


As you can see, using GeoMesa Spark SQL (as opposed to GeoMesa Spark Core) to ingest data is a piece of cake. You can find a more complete example here.

Run the code:

sbt clean assembly
# submit job
spark-submit --master local[4] \
  --class examples.IngestDataWithSpark \

Let’s check if the data got imported:

$ accumulo shell -u root -p password
$ tables -ns sparkImportTest
$ scan -t sparkImportTest.gdelt_records_v2

Data Types

GeoMesa geospatial data types are made available as Spark User Defined Data Types:

Spatial Data Type Example Spark Data Type
Points Locations, Events, Instantaneous Positions PointUDT, MultiPointUDT
Lines Road networks, Voyages, Trips, Trajectories LineUDT, MultiLineUDT
Polygons Administrative Regions, Airspaces PolygonUDT, MultiPolygonUDF

Within your Spark Session you can access them via running this snippet first:


Source, these Spark SQL types are different from the ones shown in the official docu.


Undefined function

On my first try I got the following error:

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Undefined function: 'st_makePoint'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'.; 

Jim Hughes from Locationtech explains: GeoMesa uses a private bit of the Spark API to add user-defined types and functions. You’ll want to make sure that the geomesa-spark-sql_2.11 jar is on the classpath, and then you can call:


Calling this function will add the geometric types, functions, and optimizations to the SQL Context. As part of loading a GeoMesa dataset into Spark SQL, the code calls this function. (This is why all these functions work when you use GeoMesa, etc.)

As another alternative, you can use the GeoMesa Converter library to load GDELT as a DataFrame. You should be able to use a"geomesa").options(params) call to parse GDELT CSVs straight into SimpleFeatures. That’d save needing to write SQL to munge columns into geometries, etc.

Null geometry

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null geometry in feature 1499498555df727e4e-a6f4-4e97-9205-aaced694be84

To avoid this error remove any records from your dataset that do not provide a geometry value.


org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:4326" from authority "EPSG" found for object of type "EngineeringCRS"

As Matthew Hallett pointed out in the Geomesa User Group, there is a missing dependency, see this forum thread: “To decode a CRS code, you need access to the EPSG database, which it seems it’s not present. Make sure you add gt-epsg-hsql in your project, and its dependencies, if any (you could use other EPSG factories as well, but that’s the most usual).”

Let’s look on MVNRepository for the correct version: click here.

Add this dependency to your build.sbt:

"org.geotools" % "gt-epsg-hsql" % "17.1"

Simply adding this dependency solves the issue.

Jim Hughes provided further info on this error:

The error is due to the lack of a GeoTools EPSG factory being available on the classpath at runtime (More info about the EPSG options in GeoTools). Generally, it seems that SBT has two issues to address: first, it doesn’t necessarily pull in all the transitive dependencies list POMs and second, code loaded via SPI needs some handling to preserve entries in META-INF/services.

The SO question addresses the latter concern. For the former, it may suffice to add a dependency on gt-epsg-hsql or gt-epsg-wkt. The HSQL version of the library is preferable since it has a few more codes.

That said, there are some caveats. I have seen mismatches between the version of HSQL that GeoTools uses and versions available in Hadoop. Also, HSQL sets up a temp directory in a common (yet configurable!) location. For a system where multiple users are going to use the GeoMesa tools, some care may be required. If those problems prove too much, one can try out the gt-epsg-wkt option instead.

How to create a project based on the latest code

If the current version of Geomesa doesn’t provide the features you require / the feature is only available in the latest code version, you can compile Geomesa from source. How to compile the code locally was explained in the first part of this series.

Set up a new project folder and a new sbt build file as well as dedicated lib folder inside it to store the local jar files that you want to reference. These jar files we can copy over from the locally compiled code:

# create a new project
mkdir geomesa-local-jar-dependencies
cd geomesa-local-jar-dependencies
mkdir lib
cd lib
export GEOMESA_GIT_HOME=/home/dsteiner/git/geomesa
cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-datastore/target/geomesa-accumulo-datastore_2.11-$VERSION.jar .
cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-tools/target/geomesa-accumulo-tools_2.11-$VERSION.jar .
cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-utils/target/geomesa-utils_2.11-$VERSION.jar .
cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-utils/target/geomesa-utils_2.11-$VERSION-sources.jar .
cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-spark/geomesa-spark-core/target/geomesa-spark-core_2.11-$VERSION.jar .
cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-spark/target/geomesa-accumulo-spark_2.11-$VERSION.jar .

cp $GEOMESA_GIT_HOME/geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-distributed-runtime/target/geomesa-accumulo-distributed-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar .

# not required as in distributed runtime
#cp ~/.ivy2/cache/org.geotools/gt-main/jars/gt-main-15.1.jar .
#cp ~/.ivy2/cache/org.geotools/gt-api/jars/gt-api-15.1.jar .
#cp ~/.ivy2/cache/com.vividsolutions/jts/jars/jts-1.13.jar .

The build.sbt file is pretty much the same as with the previous project, just that all the Locationtech references are commented out.

In IntelliJ IDEA right click on the lib folder and choose Add as Library. Confirm the upcoming dialog (Level can stay on Project Level).

Proceed as normal.

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