MDX: Totals of Ascendants have to reflect sum of the filtered leaf members

  04 Jun 2016

In some unusual scenarios you have to pick a specific subset of leaf members of a given hierarchy and at the same time the request is that the aggregations of the parents (and any ascendants for that matter) should only be based on the selected leaf members. Certainly this can be implemented on various levels, but we decided that a MDX query would be the best place to do it. As Nelson Sousa highlighted, you could also achieve the same by disabling access to this particular leaf member in the Mondrian security settings.

As you can see in the results below, filtering on leaf members does not adjust the totals for their ascendants … even though we only chose February in the query below, the sales for the first quarter reflects those of all months!

  , [Measures].[Sales] ON COLUMNS 
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]
Time Sales
All Years 10,645,949
2003 3,677,384
QTR1 445,095
Feb 140,836

The key strategy seems to be in creating a dedicated calculated measure (see also Filtered Measures (Tuple Measures)):

MEMBER [Measures].[Sales Constrained] AS
  [Measures].[Sales],  [Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] 
  , {[Measures].[Sales], [Measures].[Sales Constrained]} ON COLUMNS 
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]
Time Sales Sales Constrained
All Years 10,645,949 140,836
2003 3,677,384 140,836
QTR1 445,095 140,836
Feb 140,836 140,836

This looks quite promising at first, however, all is not what it seems to be: Just try to add a few other time members: If we want to apply the same principal on a set (in our a case a time period), things get a bit more trick. We can use the GENERATE() function in combination with the ASCENDENTS (or even ANCESTOR) function (as shown here):

MEMBER [Measures].[Sales Constrained] AS
  [Measures].[Sales],  [Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] 
      [Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] : [Time].[2003].[QTR3].[Aug]
  , {[Measures].[Sales], [Measures].[Sales Constrained]} ON COLUMNS 
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]
Time Sales Sales Constrained
All Years 10,645,949 140,836
2003 3,677,384 140,836
QTR1 445,095 140,836
Feb 140,836 140,836
Mar 174,505 140,836
QTR2 564,842 140,836
Apr 201,610 140,836
May 192,673 140,836
Jun 170,559 140,836
QTR3 687,269 140,836
Jul 225,486 140,836
Aug 197,809 140,836

What just happened? We have the same [Measures].[Sales Constrained] figure for any time member!?

There is a very important concept to understand here: In which context does the calculated member get evaluated?

As it turns out, only within the WITH section: Indeed, we defined [Measures].[Sales Constrained] as the intersection of [Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] and [Measures].[Sales] and it will keep this context (and not the whole cube) whereever we decide to place it in the resultset!

Pretty much the same happens if we decide to include more time members:

SET [myPeriod] AS (
[Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] : [Time].[2003].[QTR3].[Aug]
MEMBER [Measures].[Sales Constrained] AS
  , {[Measures].[Sales],  [Measures].[Sales Constrained] } ON COLUMNS 
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]
Time Sales Sales Constrained
All Years 10,645,949 197,809
2003 3,677,384 197,809
QTR1 445,095 197,809
Feb 140,836 197,809
Mar 174,505 197,809
QTR2 564,842 197,809
Apr 201,610 197,809
May 192,673 197,809
Jun 170,559 197,809
QTR3 687,269 197,809
Jul 225,486 197,809
Aug 197,809 197,809

Working Version

I was given a challenge to come up with a working MDX query for the last example shown in this blog post. After many hours trying to get a solution, I gave up. In the end I asked one of my colleagues, Nelson Sousa, to take a look at this and come up with the working solution, which took him about 2 minutes (yes, he’s that good at writing MDX queries!). I just asked him how to exclude a San Francisco from the resultset for the SteelWheelsSales cube, also excluding it from any roll-ups:

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Curated Sales] AS 
       , [Markets].[City]
      , [Markets].[NA].[USA].[CA].[San Francisco] 
    , [Measures].[Sales]
      , [Markets].[City], SELF_AND_BEFORE
    , [Markets].CurrentMember.UniqueName <> '[Markets].[NA].[USA].[CA].[San Francisco]'
  , { [Measures].[Sales], [Measures].[Curated Sales] } ON COLUMNS
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]

How the calculated member [Measures].[Curated Sales] works:

  • Using the DESCENDANTS function we retrieve the [City] level for the current member. It’s important to grasp this concept: Basically we have to build a calculated member which can be correctly evaluated for every [Markets] member at any hierarchy level. So basically we are saying: For each member you find on any [Markets] hierarchy level return the set of leaf members (in our case donated by [Markets].[City]).
  • Having found all the relevant leaf members for the respective [Markets] member, we want to EXCLUDE() San Francisco from this set.
  • Finally we ask the set to be AGGREGATE()d by [Measures].[Sales]. Keep in mind that the calculated measure not only has to work on the leaf members ([Markets].[City]) but also their parents and grandparents. The AGGREGATE() function ensures that the sales figures are summed up (in this case) when a higher level is selected.

The Select statement:

  • Using the DESCENDANTS() we display all the levels with their members between [Markets].[NA] and [Markets].[City]. Note that this is different from the approach chosen in the calculated member as here we want to display the whole hierarchy, whereas for the calculated member to yield the correct results we require the leaf level only! For the select statement we could have also made use of the ASCENDANTS() function, however, this one is less flexible as it only shows all hiearchy levels.
  • The FILTER() is only cosmetical: We just do not want to show San Franciso in the resultset. This does not influence the results of the calculated member in any way.
  • We display our standard and curated sales measures on columns to properly understand if our calculation is working as expected.

Next, let’s create a new example with the same strategy:

MEMBER [Measures].[Curated Sales] AS
       , [Time].[Months]
      , [Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] 
    , [Measures].[Sales]
  [Time].AllMembers ON ROWS
  , {[Measures].[Sales],  [Measures].[Curated Sales] } ON COLUMNS 
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]

Finally we’d like to only look a subset of members, in our case let’s focus on a time period:

SET [myPeriod] AS (
  [Time].[2003].[QTR1].[Feb] : [Time].[2003].[QTR3].[Aug]
SET [myPeriodNegated] AS
    , [myPeriod]
MEMBER [Measures].[Curated Sales] AS
       , [Time].[Months]
      , [myPeriodNegated]
    , [Measures].[Sales]
  , {[Measures].[Sales],  [Measures].[Curated Sales] } ON COLUMNS 
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]

The interesting part here is to turn the time period set into a new set which shows their hierarchical relationship. This is accomplished by using the GENERATE() function.

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