Mondrian: The meaning of column, columnName and captionColumn Level Attributes

  12 Aug 2014

Mondrian: The meaning of column, columnName and captionColumn Level Attributes

As quick intro let’s quickly have a look at the essential attributes of a Mondrian Level element.

Level attribute description (partial listing, full listing available here):


  • name
  • table (optional)
  • visible (optional)

Member Specific

  • column: key column
  • type: type of the key column
  • nameColumn: internally used name, e.g. for MDX query
  • captionColumn (optional): member value shown to end user
  • ordinalColumn (optional): the column which specifies the order of the members
  • uniqueMembers

Level Specific

  • caption (optional): A string being displayed instead of the level’s name. Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.
  • description (optional): Description of this level. Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.
  • levelType: Whether this is a regular or a time-related level

Imagine we just started writing the date dimension definition and it looks like this so far:

<Dimension name="Date" type="TimeDimension" visible="true" highCardinality="true">
    <Hierarchy name="Monthly Calendar" caption="Monthly Calendar" visible="true" hasAll="true" allMemberName="Total" allMemberCaption="Total" primaryKey="date_tk">
        <Table name="dim_date" schema="common"/>
        <Level name="Year" column="year4" type="Integer" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeYears" hideMemberIf="Never" visible="true" />

Now we want to add the quarter.

Suppose you have these three columns in your date table which holds quarter info:

  • year_quarter_int (Integer): 201401
  • year_quarter (String): 2014-Q1
  • quarter_number (Integer): 1

Let’s define the Quarter Level:

	... >

This means that in an OLAP client like Saiku or Pentaho Analyzer the user will see in example 2014-Q1, but if we had to manually write our MDX query, we would have to write it this way (using the key column value):

{[Start Date.Monthly Calendar].[2014].[201402]}

As we are lazy - or let’s better call it efficient - we do not want to repeat the year again for the quarter level member. To achieve just this, we add the nameColumn attribute to our level:

	... >

In our MDX query we can use now:

{[Start Date.Monthly Calendar].[2014].[2]}

Just to summarize:

If you do NOT define a captionColumn or nameColumn then the end user will see the value of the key column in their analysis. The data analyst writing the MDX query will as well use the value of the key column.

If you define a captionColumn but NOT nameColumn then the end user will see the value of the captionColumn in their analysis. The data analyst writing the MDX query will however use the value of the key column.

If you define a captionColumn and a nameColumn then the end user will see the value of the captionColumn in their analysis. The data analyst writing the MDX query will however use the value of the nameColumn. So in this last case non of the users works directly with the key column values.

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