Announcing the MDX Maestro Challenge Series

  17 May 2016

Announcing the MDX Maestro Challenge Series

For a while now the idea lingered in me to start a series of MDX challenges! It’s time to start this challenge now! I am not an MDX expert myself. I’ve had my fair share of writing MDX queries, but I am still pretty much trying to improve my knowledge and hence I am always looking forward to some MDX challenges!

So how does MDX Challenge Series work?

  • Every 3 weeks there will be a new challenge. I’ll start off with a few challenges, but I will invite a few others to post challenges to the group.
  • We will be using the sample cubes supplied with the Pentaho BA Server installation: SteelWheels > SteelWheelsSales and Sample Data > Quadrant Analysis. If you don’t have the BA/BI Server installed, you can download the open source (free) version from here
  • Once you have solved the challenge, submit your MDX query here. Please state your full name together with the MDX query.
  • For each correct solution you can earn 1 point.
  • The results will be published here.
  • The correct solution for each challenge will be published on this blog.
  • The winner of the challenge will earn the MDX Maestro award! There is no money involve, not even beer, it’s all about the learning experience and fun!

MDX Challenge #1

And here we start off with the first challange:

Challenge Description:

Using the SteelWheelsSales cube, show the months February to August 2003 only as well as the quarter and year for this period on the rows, and the sales and a calculated measure called curated sales on the columns.

Curated Sales must be only based on the months February to August 2003. The totals for quarters and the year must respect this!

The expected result should look like this:

Deadline: 3rd of June 2016


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