OLAP Cube Member Properties

  29 Dec 2014

What are Member Properties?

Have you ever wondered what Member Properties in a multidimensional cube are really good for?

Member properties are attributes of dimensional members that provide additional information, that you don’t want to slice and dice on. In other words: member properties are attributes that don’t make an ideal candidate for a dimension but still hold valueable information. In example take a standard address: You might want to have country, state, city, maybe even zip code as a dimension, but there isn’t much point in having the exact address (e.g. 1 Meadow Drive) as a dimensional value, because it is just purely too fine-grained. The address makes an ideal canditate for a property. These properties are still stored in the dimensional table alognside the standard dimensional values. Member properties have to have a one-to-one relationship with the member.

Another example: Imagine we have a product dimension table with product name, category and sub-category. Each product would also have retail price, which is unique to each product. It is clearly not a dimension level member, as we wouldn’t want to slice and dice on the retail price. But in some reports/analysis it would be good to show the retail prices as additional information to the product, which makes retail price an ideal candidate for a member property.

Another use case could be the amount of days in month in a date dimension. You would define this as a property of month.

For our practical example we will take on the role of health food store. Our product dimension has the standard product name, category and sub-category as well as retail and wholesale price. Moreover for each individual product we have nutritional facts like calories and carbs.

We can reuse some of the tables we created in the Advanced Data Modeling Techniques tutorial and will just add the product dimension and a very simple fact table (find all the code here to download):

CREATE TABLE tutorial.dim_product
    product_tk INT4
    , product_name VARCHAR(125)
    , category VARCHAR(70)
    , sub_category VARCHAR(70)
    , retail_price NUMERIC
    , wholesale_price NUMERIC
    , calories NUMERIC
    -- Nutrion Facts
    -- per serving: serving size 1 tablespoon(25g)
    , fat_grams  NUMERIC
    , carbohydrates_grams NUMERIC
    , dietary_fibre_grams NUMERIC
    , protein_grams NUMERIC

INSERT INTO tutorial.dim_product
    , product_name
    , category
    , sub_category
    , retail_price
    , wholesale_price
    , calories
    , fat_grams 
    , carbohydrates_grams
    , dietary_fibre_grams
    , protein_grams
    (1, 'Green Fruitmix 150g', 'Snacks', 'Dried Fruits', 2.10, 1.20, 71, 0, 16.8, 0.5, 0.5)
    , (2, 'Green Fruitmix 300g', 'Snacks', 'Dried Fruits', 3.50, 1.70, 71, 0, 16.8, 0.5, 0.5)

CREATE TABLE tutorial.fact_grocery_sales
    date_tk INT4
    , product_tk INT4
    , quantity INT4

INSERT INTO tutorial.fact_grocery_sales
    (20141227, 1, 345)
    , (20141227, 2, 172)
    , (20141228, 1, 375)
    , (20141228, 2, 145)

With the sample data ready we can take a look at how to create a Mondrian OLAP Cube definition for this use case:

Defining Member Properties in Mondrian

As you can see in the code below, the definition of properties is rather simple:

<Cube name="Groceries" visible="true" cache="true" enabled="true">
    <Table name="fact_grocery_sales" schema="tutorial"/>
    <DimensionUsage source="Date" name="Date" caption="Date" visible="true" foreignKey="date_tk"/>
    <Dimension name="Product" foreignKey="product_tk">
        <Hierarchy name="Products" hasAll="true" allMemberName="Total" primaryKey="product_tk">
            <Table name="dim_product" schema="tutorial"/>
            <Level name="Category" column="category" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular"/>
            <Level name="Sub-Category" column="sub_category" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular"/>
            <Level name="Product" column="product_name" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular">
                <Property name="Retail Price" column="retail_price" type="Numeric"/>
                <Property name="Wholesale Price" column="wholesale_price" type="Numeric"/>
                <Property name="Calories" column="calories" type="Numeric"/>
                <Property name="Fat" column="fat_grams" type="Numeric"/>
                <Property name="Carbohydrates" column="carbohydrates_grams" type="Numeric"/>
                <Property name="Dietary Fibre" column="dietary_fibre_grams" type="Numeric"/>
                <Property name="Protein" column="protein_grams" type="Numeric"/>
    <Measure name="Quantity" column="quantity" datatype="Numeric" formatString="#,##0" aggregator="sum"/>

Querying Member Properties

The retrieve the property values you first have to create a calculated member as shown in the example below:

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Retail Price] AS
    [Product].CurrentMember.Properties("Retail Price")
NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Quantity], [Measures].[Retail Price]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Product].[Product].Members}  ON ROWS
FROM [Groceries]

Microsoft also embrace the DIMENSION PROPERTIES syntax shown below to retrieve property values. While this syntax doesn’t create an error when executing the MDX query on Mondrian, neither Saiku Analytics, OLAP4J Analytics nor Pentaho Schema Workbench show any results for the properties (but this might be because these tools don’t have a feature implemented to display the properties in this way):

NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Quantity]} ON COLUMNS,
   NON EMPTY Product.Product.MEMBERS
              Product.Product.[Retail Price],
              Product.Product.[Wholesale Price]  ON ROWS
FROM [Groceries]

Roland Bouman tested this MDX query below with XMLA4js and got results returned:

	NON EMPTY CrossJoin(
	      {[Time].[Years].Members, [Time].[Quarters].Members}
	  , {[Measures].[Quantity]}
FROM   [SteelWheelsSales] 


    <Member Hierarchy="Time">
    <Member Hierarchy="Measures">

Roland also mentioned that there is currently a bug with non-intrinsic context sensitive member properties: See this jira case.

One thing to keep in mind is that the support for member properties various among “clients”. As you can see in the result above, the member property info is directly available as part of the level member. However, with a lot of “client” tools you will have to explicitly create a calculated measure in order to be able to display the member property value.

We will test one more query:

[Measures].[Quantity] ON 0
, NON EMPTY {[Product].[Product].Members} DIMENSION PROPERTIES [Product].[Product].[Calories] ON 1
FROM [Groceries]

The support for dimension properties in client tools is a bit of a sad story: JPivot doesn’t react to the dimension properties data, but you can retrieve all the dimension properties of a given dimension by clicking on the Show Properties icon. Pivot4J throws an error when running this query. Saiku runs the query, but displays no value for the properties. SQL Workbench doesn’t return the values for the properties either.

Note that there is a JIRA case on DIMENSION PROPERTIES SYNTAX not being supported.

The query approach below works in most clients:

MEMBER [Measures].[Calories] AS
{[Measures].[Quantity], [Measures].[Calories]} ON 0
, NON EMPTY {[Product].[Product].Members}  ON 1
FROM [Groceries]

In a nutshell: The UI support for properties in clients is non existent (apart from JPivot).

One thing to be aware of is that dimensions properties cannot be just diplayed on their own, but only always with their dimension member. A good example can be found here. Microsoft has also a good reference on Member Properties here.

Finally one filter scenario:

NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Quantity]} ON COLUMNS,
        ,  [Product].CurrentMember.Properties("Carbohydrates") < 20
    , 10
    , [Measures].[Quantity]
FROM [Groceries]

For me the following open questions remain in using properties with Mondrian:

  1. In the OLAP schema it is possible to define a formatter for properties, however only java classes are supported. Is there no way to specify a simple formatting string like #,###?
  2. Is the DIMENSION PROPERTIES syntax supported?
  3. Properties defined with data type of Numeric are not displayed as numeric (so in example 2.23 is displayed as 2). I assume I could just use data type Sting instead as a workaround, but if the data type had to be Numeric, how would I resolve this problem?

UPDATE 2015-05-01: After some further discussion with Roland Bouman - while testing his Pentaho Analysis Shell (PASH) BA Server plugin - he pointed out that Mondrian actually fully supports the WITH PROPERTIES syntax, it is just that currently clients do not know what to do with the results. You can check this yourself:

in Chrome, simply open the developer tools and click on the Network tab. Then run in example this query in PASH:

[Measures].[Sales] ON 0
, [Customers].[Customer].Members DIMENSION PROPERTIES [Customers].[Customer].[Customer Number] ON 1
FROM [SteelWheelsSales]

Now inspect the response in the network tab:

Assign Pentaho Analyzer Chart Colors

This is taking everything on a totally different level, but I thought it is still worth mentioning for those people that are using Pentaho BA Server Enterprise Edition:

In charts it is often nice to assign a specific color to a specific series value so that it is consistently displayed across several reports. This can be done by specifying a member property. Find more details in the Pentaho Infocentre.


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